Mac Power Users Scanbot Hazel

Mac power users scanbot hazel point

Mac Power Users 531: Teaching with GoodNotes, with David MacDonald.

  • This episode of Mac Power Users is sponsored by: eero: Never think about WiFi again. Use code MPU for free overnight shipping. 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don't have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link. The Omni Group We're passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
  • Sorting and Moving Documents with Hazel June 02, 2009 in Productivity, hazel, mac power users In the Mac Power Users paperless episode(3), I commented that I do a lot of my document sorting automatically using a great little Mac application called, Hazel ( reviewed here ).

Automatically Organize

Hazel watches whatever folders you tell it to, automatically organizing your files according to the rules you create. Have Hazel move files around based on name, date, type, what site it came from and much more. Automatically sort your movies or file your bills. Keep your files off the desktop and put them where they belong.


More Than Just Filing

Hazel can open, archive, tag and even upload. You can have Hazel rename your files or sort them into subfolders based on name, date or whatever combination of attributes you choose. Coupled with Hazel’s powerful pattern matching feature, you can create workflows to process your files, your way.

Taking Out The Trash

Mac Power Users Scanbot Hazel Hill

Have Hazel keep your trash in check, deleting files that are too old or clearing things out when the trash gets too big. Also, when you delete applications, they can leave behind support files that never get cleaned up. With Hazel’s App Sweep, Hazel will detect when you throw an application away, search for its support files and offer to throw those away as well.

Mac Power Users Scanbot Hazel Eyes

Total Support

Mac Power Users Scanbot Hazel T

Spotlight integration. Photos & iTunes importing. Notifications. Tags. AppleScript & Automator. Hazel provides deep support for OS X technologies, leveraging everything your system has to offer.