Little Snitch Blocking Google Keep

I've had little snitch installed and running without issues for 2-3 years now. I reinstalled OSX from a time machine backup 2 weeks ago, and after booting up reimported a backup of the little snitch rule set. All has been well until 2 days ago when all web browsing started being blocked.

Little Snitch Blocking Google Keep On Iphone

I create a 'No Google' and a 'Ok Google' profile in Little Snitch. These are basically mirror opposites. The 'No Google' profile blocks all Google out-going and incoming connections for the Google apps. 1 It still allows Safari or other applications to connect with Google. Oct 27, 2009  Google Analytics works through browsers, so unless you block the ports for things like HTTP Little Snitch won't do anything. Use something like NoScript with FF.

The current situation is that when I turn off the network filter I can browse the web, but as soon as I turn the filter back on, all web browsing is blocked. I tried restoring the rule set again from the known good backup, but it's still blocking.
There haven't been any changes to the networking or OS that I am aware of.
Little snitch reviewsLittle snitch 3.7.4
OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
How should I troubleshoot the problem? ThanksHello.
I recently purchased Little Snitch, and i'm incredibly happy with the product, but still i have a little 'problem'.
When browsing Google Chrome (on trusty sites) for every site i try to contact little snitch asks for the permission to allow connections about 5,6 times for different ips (for each site), making the browsing experience really uncomfortable.

Little Snitch Blocking Google Keep Chrome

The thing is a bit annoying, so i was thinking of just letting chrome allow all connections (like it did before i had little snitch).

Little Snitch Blocking Google Keep Free

For me it's pretty hard to judge if an ip is malicious or not, considering most of them are formed by alphanumeric sequences and stuff like that.
My question is: Did chrome connect to all those ips in the background before i had little snitch? Because i didn't have any trouble in the past and so i'd just let chrome access to all connections. (note i usually only browse my personal bookmarks and known sites...i very rarely adventure in the web).Little snitch blocking google keep firefox
Thanks so much for the advice.